Thursday, October 06, 2005

October 6, 2005

Welll I'm at school right now, in Econ to be exact. We're watchin Erin Brockavitch in class, which is almost educational. We had our finals today. i'm pissed because my trig final, which i studied for until 4 this morning was really easy. All of the crap on the review that i was worried about turned out to not be on the final at all. My econ final was a stupid essay about corporations that took all of ten minutes to type. So I just thouhgt I'da say hi. I started reading some other blogs today...Ian is really cool, and hilarious, Yoj is gorgouse, and a few other random people. Ok, well back to Julia Roberts.


Blogger Thoughts From Serenity said...

Well you passed with flying colors!! Just think..if you would NOT have studied the tests would have been horibly hard!
Check out my blog..about seeing Cody. Love ya!Gram

12:08 AM  

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