Monday, August 22, 2005

My Friends and Old Wounds

I spent this past weekend at my friend's house. I may have mentioned Gus and Melvin before. They are both 25. I met them about 8 months ago through my friend Mia. I met Mia at my school. She was in my senior English class. The first day of class I was intimidated by her. She was only about 5'5", had jet black hair, a leather jacket, and more gay paraphanelia than I had ever seen in one place. She was surprisingly friendly and introduced herself to me. We hit it off right away, within that first week we were hanging out after school. Mia was 18 and lived with two roomies, Gus and Melvin. Most nights after class we would head over to their apartment. I would make Ramen noodles for the two of us, we would hang out and watch T.V., go to Waffle House, or go eat. We had a lot of fun. Gus was a little intimidating. He is tall, has broad shoulders, a shaved head, and a eneral air of intensity about him. Melvin was less intimidating, but very complicated. It has taken me nearly 8 months to "get" him. By that, I mean that I have only started to really know him, be able to finish his thoughts/sentences, and know what he's thinking very recently. Mia went to Florida a few months ago. I was worried that I wouldn't have anyone to hang out with. When we first moved here, I really struggled with feeling lonely and depressed, and I was afraid that I would fall back into it. Granted, Mia got annoying at times, but she was my friend, and I love her. The same week Mia left I went to Indiana for five weeks. The day before I left was when things with Jonathan pretty much fell apart. The time in Indiana was much needed. I had time to get my head straight and figure out some things. When I got home I went over to the Guy's new house. Gus had bought a house while I was gone. Melvin, Jeremy, Nicole, and Jonathan all live there now. Nicole and Jeremy were not moved in yet, and Jonathan hadn't decided to live there yet. I think it was July 4th. I had missed them so much. It was so great to be back with my guys. Since then things have been really good. I see the guys every weekend. We have grown a lot closer. I have also gotten to know Jeremy, Nicole, and Kat a lot better. They are my family...My home away from home of sorts. They help me see myself for who I really am, and to question things that before I may not have. Nicole had her baby last week. I finally got to see him this weekend. His name is Jordan. I love kids, but have never wanted any of my own...holdin that baby was enough to make me think about it. If the right man comes along, then I guess maybe I do want a kid of my own. I also met Gus's new girlfriend. Her name is Heidi. I am protective of my guys. They are my friends. I think she is good for him. He's been so happy the last couple weeks. I hope things with the two of them work out. I also found out that Jonathan is in love. He's happy, and that makes me happy. Well, this weekend was great. I just got to spend time with my friends, and that kicks butt.


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