Thursday, August 18, 2005

Happy Thursday

Today is Thursday...finally. This week has seemed ridiculously long. All week long I kept wishing the week would be over. I didn't have a bad week...I just can't wait for this weekend. Melvin, Kat, and I are going to this thing called "Track Night" the local speedway...I say the local speedway because anyone of importance knows where I am, and there is always the chance that the Ogre could have no life and still be looking for us. I'm so pumped...this is my first real venture into adulthood. There are no parents, and only my own judgement to keep me out of trouble, granted Kat and Melvin will probably keep me out of trouble anyways. Mom is actually letting me leave for the whole weekend. It's awesome, because she knows she can trust me, and I know she's right. I'm actually excited to go to a wierd is that. Well, I'll let ya'll know how it went when I get back...'till then, Peace Out Home Skillet (don't ask)


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