Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Sometimes you have to hear things that you don’t want to. Sometimes you know things, but don’t want to hear about them. Sometimes you know things, but you think that if you ignore them they will go away or change. Sometimes when you risk everything, you lose. Sometime when you risk everything, you win. Sometimes you want to be held close. Sometimes you want to be alone. Sometimes you are strong and brave. Sometimes you are weak and scared. Sometimes you lose those you love. Sometimes you gain new love. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Sometimes you catch it. Sometimes you get smacked in the head with it and knocked out. Sometimes you have to have loved and lost to know when to love and hold on. Sometimes you have to lose something or someone to be whole. Sometimes you need to laugh at yourself. Sometimes you need to stand up for yourself, even when no one else will. Sometimes you are right. Sometimes you are wrong. Sometimes you fall down and get up right away. Sometimes you fall down and have to be picked up. Sometimes you have to talk. Sometimes you have to listen. Sometimes you have to be kind to those you don’t like. Sometimes those who don’t like you have to be kind to you. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that everyone you meet has loved, is loved, and has lost someone they love. Sometimes heartbreak is for the best. Sometimes heartbreak leaves scars. Sometimes you have to let go even though you want desperately to hold on. Sometimes you have to hold on even though you want desperately to let go. Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it. Sometimes you have to tell the truth even though you know it will hurt someone. Sometimes you have to tell the truth even though you know it will hurt you. Sometimes life is hard, but hold on because the best is yet to come…every hurt, smile, love, loss, gain, and person you encounter in your life has a purpose and leads to your destiny. Even though you may mean nothing to most, you mean everything to someone. Never forget your dreams, they keep you young. Never leave on bad terms, you may never get a chance to make things right. Life is short, so; Love like it’s the first time, Dance like no one is looking, Sing even if you can’t carry a tune, Laugh at yourself and with others, Cry when you want you, and Never apologize for who you are, but for bad decisions. Always remember that even though you may not marry the person you are dating, someday they will be someone’s husband or wife, so treat them gently and with respect.


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