Wednesday, May 18, 2005


So, today is my last day of school. I'm so pumped. Summer is on it's way. Stuff at home is good. I'm going to Indiana for five weeks. Everything is just peachy. My friend, Mi, is going to Florida this Sunday. She's been living with us for about a month or so now. Ok, well class is over, I'm back on here again in awhile.


Blogger Loner said...

Well, honey, your castrated anonymous friend is still checking your blog. You should probably disallow anonymous posts and then he or she would have to spout nastiness somewhere else.

You have normal teenage issues that are to be expected- actually fewer than most. Over the last few months you have been testing yoru values and trying to figure out how much "world" to let in your life while still maintaining who you are - a child of God with the dents and dings of living in this world. You have done a great job at adjusting to a life that has swirled around you seemingly out of control. All I can say is that I think your use of the blog to write down things that bug you, collect your thoughts cohesively - and to vent is very healthy. Certainly much better than being venomous to those around you. God knows your heart - so ignore those anonymous smart alecs - I am proud of who you are becoming, so in the honor your father and mother department you're doing just fine.

4:34 PM  

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