Saturday, January 15, 2005

Bumps along the way

Sometimes I get to a point in my life wher I have to just give up. I have so many things on my plate at once that I can't seem to get a handle on any one thing. Then, I end up neglecting those things that are most important to me and my focus gets all blurry. I get lost and the path that was once so clear is now impossible to find. I just have to give up a little of my control and say "Ok God, well I've pretty much only got two choices...keep going till I'm gone, or stop being so stubborn and let you help me out." This week I reached that point. I ahve had so many things going on at once, and so m any things to worry about that I finally just put down a few of the balls I was juggling. I decided that worrying about someone I love who is sick was doing no one any good. All I can do is hope for the best and pray. I also gave up on trying to change the destructive behavior of my friends, and just be there for them when they need me. I decided to stop trying so hard to be someone or something I'm not, and just let things happen. School is uber important, so I'm doing my best and working hard to pass all my classes with an A. My family is also important. I feel that I need to appologize to them for temporarily losing sight of their importance, because in this world very few things oare constant, change is inevitable, but the love of one's family is ALWAYS there. I love them all more than they know. My friend s are also important, and I've not been good about keeping in touch, but I am starting to get better. I also have realized, that while Caleb is important to me, he shouldn't be the most important thing in my life, mostly I decided this because recently I overheard him in a conversation saying that the most important thing in the world to him was his turbo kit. So, he's a great guy, and he makes me laugh...but family and school have got to come first. So yeah...right now I'm just tryiong to catch my breath and find that path.


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