Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Butt Heat : The Bane Of My Existance

You know when you sit down in a chair (like in a movie theater or some other public place), and the seat is still warm from the last person who sat there? That is butt heat, the bane of my existance. Butt heat is the worst thing ever because you can't see it. It's not like someone spit and you can say "Oh, gross, I don't wanna sit in that." You never know when you are going to encounter butt heat. Now, when it's someone you know who's butt heat you sit in, it's not so bad (unless the butt heat was caused by a release of methane). When it's a complete stranger who you are practicaly rubbing butts with, thats a whole 'nother story.

My idea for preventing that terrible realization that you have just sat in a complete stranger's butt heat is this; you know those mood ring things, well, every chair in a public place should have those. People would only sit in the seats that were black and butt heat-free. Then, you would never have to be afraid of butt contamination

PS... I got to play with a "Skip It" today, and it kicked butt


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