Thursday, October 07, 2004


The definition of insanity is something to the effect of "performing the same action numerouse times and expecting a different result". We all do things that could be categorized as insane. I am one of those people who gives others every chance i possibly can, I look for the good in people, but aknowledge the bad. I am also a fairly good judge of character, and can tell people things about themselves that they dont, or won't know. I am also terrible with guys. I always manage to relay to them just the message that scares them off. In reality, I seldom mean what they think, but by the time I realize what's happened, they're running far far away. I seem to always have this effect on guys. I am a fairly intense person. I am also very passionate about my friends. if you are one of my friends I love you for who you are and would do anything for you. When a girl recives this passionate friendshiup, it strengthens the relationship to that of a sisterhood instead of a friendship. When a guy recieves it, it is misconstrewed as a romantic passion (crush). This usually results in them being scared half to death that some girl loves them (God forbid) and they have this knee-jerk reaction that says "Run...if you want to have fun ever again...RUN...don't let her tie you down..." This usually means they stop calling, writing, or even looking at you. this stems from a persons self-centered nature. We are all self-centered and think that we are desired by all...and of course they would be lucky to have us. Now, to the point of insanity. I have this friend. He's older by about four years. We worked together last summer. He is one of my most valued friends. He's so gentle and kind around me. He is also very good at just listening when I have a problem. He is a fantastic guy. Do I like him...yes. Would I consider dating him...yes. Would I jepordize our There is our relationship...we both like eachother, as more than friends, but both are more concerned with our friendship. I love him, and want him to be happy. Recently he has become very unreachable, weather by his own doing or by other means I don't know. Every day i send him an IM, usually something to the effect of "Hey, hope you had a good day. Talk to you soon" Nothing too obtrusive. Every day he fails to even aknowledge me. My friend asked me awhile ago, "Why do you even bother, he's not going to answer." and I said " I bother because he is my friend and when he finally realizes what I'm all about, I want to be there. i always have hope that maybe he'll answer. The day I lose hope is the day I become a bad friend." We both then proceeded to laugh about how cheezy and movie-line-like that was. Well, he did finally respond. I told him about having to move because of my crazed step-dad and how I was far away now ( we had formerly lived in the same town.) You know what he said " I'm really going to miss you. When will you be coming back?? Can I see you??" Now, hows that for insanity, he finally wants to be with me, and I'm thousands of miles away. OW FREAKIN OW!


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