Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Random Thoughts Of the Day

So, after you break up with a person, it's hard to gauge how long is an appropriate "mourning" period. I mean is it wrong to break up with someone on a Monday night and then already have a date by Tuesday?? I think not. By all standars, I have done nothing wrong by moving on quckly. there is no point on dwelling on the past. I figure that I'm young, and it's important to get out there and really look for the right guy, that way when it's time for me to settle down and get married, I'll know he's thje right guy because I've looked everywhere, and found him. So I have talked to just about everyone I know, recounting the drama of Caleb and I, and everyone agrees that it's good it's over. I did recieve one interesting bit of information from a guy in my jewelry class about relationship. Her said "Most relationships fail because a girl goes into it thinking she can change the guy, and the guy goes into it hopeing the girl will never change." if nothing else, this proves to me that there are in fact nice guys in this crazy world.


Blogger Loner said...

You can look and look - and might get lucky and find him. Dating is about learning who you really are and what you really need from a partner. If it goes well, you can end up with a lot of friends who didn't turn out to be the love of your life. Not a bad thing at all. Personally, having Jacob pick him out has worked well for me - you might consider it as a back-up method!! Love - mamma

5:28 PM  

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