Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The End of a Chapter

The chapter in my life involving Caleb is now over. It comes as no surprise, but he was not in fact the love of my life. He is a very nice guy; however he is much more a child than a man. Not being whole himself, he had nothing to offer me. The relationship, if it can be called that, was very one-sided. I drove to see him because his car was broken, I called him, because if I didn’t I wouldn’t get to talk to him, and I was the one doing the majority of the decision making. When it comes down to it, I would have let things go on much longer than they should have, simply because it is not in my nature to give up or to hurt those I care about. I was sure that in breaking up with him, I would demolish him, and he would wait another two years to date again. The thing is that I cared about him a little too much, gave him more than he had earned, and required more growth from him than he could bear. He did the breaking up, saying that he just wanted to be alone, being sure to tell me that there was no one else, I had done nothing wrong, and it was simply his unready ness to have a girlfriend that was the cause of the relationship’s demise. I am very happy that it is done. I have learned a lot, mostly what I don’t want in a relationship. I need someone who I feel safe with and who takes care of me. Caleb was a good experience, but I refuse to settle. So, although I am sad that I was dumped and a relationship had to come to an end, I am happy that it is over and I can move on to bigger and better things.


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