Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Like Everyone Else

No one wants to be like everyone else. Everybody wants to be unique and special, despite the fact that they try to fit in. They want, deep down to be accepted for whom they really are. Those people who we are closest to us are those who know us the best, or who know the part we let them see the best. They accept us for who we truly are and make no effort to change us. We all hide parts of ourselves from certain people granted this is no big secret, but must be stated for the good of the rest of what I write. We are a different person around different people; this is to say that we let different facets of our personality show around different people. We are not faking or pretending around them, we simply subdue those aspects of our personality that would be socially unacceptable to them. We also yearn to be accepted by those around us. Even those people who proclaim to not care what others think want acceptance. They simply don’t place as much value on acceptance as others. Thus far I have spoken in generalizations, now I’ll get to the point. When we first meet someone, we alter our personality to fit what we think they will like (this does not always happen, but is prevalent in meetings with the opposite sex). We all have that friend who when faced with a guy she likes becomes loud and obnoxious in an attempt to gain their attention. We also know those who get quiet and shy around the opposite sex. I classically lose IQ points when faced with a guy I like. I milk the dumb-blonde act for all it’s worth. I don’t do it on purpose, but I know that it works and even when I try not to, the ditz in me manages to slip out. I think I do it because I’m afraid that a guy won’t like me if he sees how smart I am. This is also why I tend to date older guys, and have older friends. I can relate to them on the same level and not worry about them being intimidated by my intelligence.


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