Saturday, August 27, 2005


Well, I'm just checkin in. Things are ok now, mom has calmed down, and so has everyone else. I'm pretty sure it was just a bunch of stupid kids. i guess it's good thought that we have been reminded to stay safe. I'm good too. i'm spending the weekend with friends, so it's giving me some good dram-free down time. Thanks for everyone who has been concerned or offered to help.


Blogger Thoughts From Serenity said...

Hey there....hope you have a nice weekend. Sometime when you have time, drop me a note and let me know what is going on in your life! Miss you bunches. We are going on the Madame Caroll Boat tomorrow after mass (on Lake Freeman) and then out to dinner. Should be a nice day. Wish you were here to go along...take care, write when you can. Love,

11:39 PM  

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