Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Woman's Intuition

Yesterday I finally wrote down a nightmare I had been having. I decided not to post it becuase I felt stupid, and as if I was just being dramatic and paranoid. I was wrong. JJ is out of town this week, our usual protector, he makes us feel safe, even with the knowledge that Dan Brock wants us dead. With him gone, Mom and I were both a little jumpy. We have both had this feeling all week that there is something wrong, something coming. Last night around 12 we heard our dog Matilda barking in the back yard. Mom and I went out to see what it was. We never saw anything. I finally told her about my nightmare. It makes me cry every time I even think about it. I can't get the images of my dead family and Dan's look of satisfaction out of my head. Mom was acting funny today. She drove Josh to school, when he normally takes the bus, citing that she didn't think it was a ood idea for him to be home alone today. She just didn't seem right. SHe called Melvin, my friend, and asked him to come spend the night tonight. When she picked me up she told me why she was so worried. Last night someone killed our two baby goats and our duck Floppsy. They were shot. It was very obviously killed on purpose, this was no accident. I freaked out and told her that we HAD to o home and put our dos in the house. It scares me because it is remnecent of something that happened back in Indiana. We were living in a new house, having moved out of Dan's. Mom's good friend was getting married and Mom, the boys, and I drove out for the wedding. While we were gone, our white lab, Chloe misteriously escaped from our back yard. She was pregnant and her pups were due in a few weeks. She had never run away before. Conveniantly, Dan found her body on the side of the road. She was my baby...she had been there for me at a time in my life when I really needed a friend. Now, she was dead. I have no doubt in my mind that it was Dan who let her out. I will never forgive him for that. Now, more of our animals are mysteriously dead. The timing is what worries me. If I had not had this feeling there was something wrong, I would assume it was kids...but this...this feels wrong. The feeling is stronger...and I know that there is something coming. I'm no longer scared...he killed my dog, and now possibly more of my animals. They are my kids....if he comes here...he won't leave.


Blogger Thoughts From Serenity said...

Hi my Jerra. My heart hurts so much for you and I am so sorry for all the bad stuff you have had to go through. All I can say is that I love you more than anything and you are in my daily prayers - always. You are a wonderful and beautiful person Jerra. There are good things and good people coming into your life, so just be patient and keep loving the Lord. HE is your protector. LOve you lots. Gram

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhh honey i have no actual time to call you and tell you i am so scared for you. hopefully someone just got fed up with your ducks quacking and they were evil and killed them. do you really think it could be dan? i dont know that seems so weird. why didnt you tell me about your old dog and what dan did to it. anyway call and leave a voicemail or if i pick up i prolly cant talk for long but i want to hear from you. i love you jerra stay safe.

6:11 PM  
Blogger Bear said...

Thanks guys, I didn't mean to scare you, and I don't know that it was Dan. The timing is just really odd. Not to mention no one back home has seen him, and he's not at home. We're ok guys. Don't worry.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Thoughts From Serenity said...

Hi Sweetie...glad things have calmed down....I missed not getting to talk to you last night (but I heard your voice in the background!! :)
Just focus on yourself and your own "stuff". Stay close to the Lord Jerra....HE is getting your attention and wants you to keep your focus onHIM and He will take care of you.
Have fun...enjoy each day...we only have one day at a time you know. Keep praying for Gramps...I am sure the prayers are what is keeping him in remission!
Love you lots and lots. Write when you can.
Peace and love kisses...Gram

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best insurance is offered by Smith & Wesson. It might be a good idea to plan ahead by purchasing a shotgun, if your state allows it. At least it would give you some peace of mind, so you can sleep at night with feelings of security.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Badpatty said...

I got paid today. I think we ought to go shooting this weekend. Can you please remind me? You know I can't remember squat.

2:16 AM  

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