Thursday, September 29, 2005


Well today is another super fantastic day. Had some stupid test today. It was a writing test. they give you 90 minits to write about 2 paragraphs about something no one in their right minds gives a crap about. My topic was some crap about teh advantages and disadvantages of teens having a car. i was very tempted to write "When I have a freakin car I can go out and get plastered.", but thought better of it and instead wrote the 2 paragraphs. I was finished within 10 minutes. I brought my sheet up to the teacher. i grabbed my bag and was ready to go to my class, when they said "Oh no, you have to stay here." I was soo pissed...I was missiing yet another day of trig for some stupid standardized test, this being the 3rd. So, I slept for the next 80 minutes...vert productive...and they wonder why kids here don't do well on the SAT...well because they are never actually in class because they are getting tested on their knowledge of a class they aren't in...AHHHHH


Blogger Badpatty said...

Wow, Bear! You get the most interesting comments.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Thoughts From Serenity said...

Sounds frustrating!! .....well, you will be finished before you know it! Still done in December? Hope to see you maybe in a couple of weeks.
Love ya,

6:15 PM  

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