Sunday, October 09, 2005

MMMM...Goat Breath!

Well, I met a nice boy this week. I had been talking to this guy online for a few weeks. He was nothing special. He was nice, and really wanted to hang out, so finally, when faced with a Thursday night at home, I agreed to meet up with him. So, I got all cute-ed up and ready to go. He called and told me that his car wasn’t working and wanted to know if we could reschedule for Friday night. Well, I couldn’t do it then because I had to crap for the SATs. So he desperately tried to get his roommate to let him use his car, to take a taxi, and then finally I went and begged JJ to drive me over. JJ, being the good guy that he is, agreed. So we drove over to his apartment complex to pick him up…feeling a little old for a chaperoned date, I was a bit nervous. Well when Joey came out, I was very pleasantly surprised. He is about 6’1” or so, reddish-blonde hair, gorgeous amber eyes, both ears pierced, and medium build. He was far more attractive in person. I had complained to Mom earlier that I wasn’t looking forward to meeting him, and how he wasn’t my type. I was now proved very wrong. When we pulled up, he went right up to JJ’s window and shook his hand. He then hopped in the back. Once he had shut his door and we started to pull away, he gave my arm a squeeze and said hi to me. JJ drove us over to a bar and grill place. After he pulled away we decided to go to a pool hall across the street. As we were crossing the street, me in flip-flops, he grabbed by hand and we ran. Unlike other guys, it was ok with me that he grabbed my hand. We got into the pool hall and he got a table. I warned him that I am completely inept at pool. He set up the table and broke. We shot pool for a while, me proving how bad I suck, and him going easy on me. At some point he gave me a hug and told me how glad he was to finally meet me, which was adorable. We finished pool after one game of regular and one of 9 ball. He went and paid and we went over to watch a baseball game on TV. He guided me through the crowd, holding my hand behind him. He was really cool, and I was very surprised that I liked him so much and was so comfortable with him. The rest of the night went well and JJ picked us up later that night. I walked him to his door when we dropped him off… JJ liked him, said he was raised right and polite. I liked him too. So when I got home I called him like he asked me too, and then we talked awhile online. It was nice to meet a nice guy. The next day JJ dropped me off over at his house to hang out for a while while he and the boys went to a movie. We watched movies and talked. He’s just a really cool and fun guy. So Friday was spent studying for the stupid SAT. Well I got up this morning at about 7:15 a.m. It was early to say the least. I had gone to bed the night before around 9 so I would be able to get up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning. So JJ drove me over to the school where they were testing. I got inside with the mass of about 100 other students, looked up my room and went in to sit down. The SAT wasn’t bad; we’ll see how I did in a few weeks. After the test JJ picked me up and we went home. Mom got home from taking our goats and Bob…our new kitten who I named…how cute is that for a kitten…I love it. Josh of course had plans to go to a movie, so we drove him to the mall. I just happened to know that there was a Krispy Kreme near by…of course; I’m a fat chick. Mom and I went and got some doughnuts. Then, of course, she decides…hey lets go to the organic food market. Well…let me describe my getup…not outfit, that suggests matching and coordination…this was a getup. I had on a blue “Welcome to Las Vegas” T-shirt, pale pink undershirt, red plaid Kansas City Chiefs boxers, pink sequined flip-flops, and my hair looked very much like a rooster tail. So we go to the market. We walk around, me asking for all the random crap I can think of…mangos, hazelnut juice, hummus mix, cheese, olives…random shit. Then we get to the cheese section. Now, for those of you who have never been blessed with the ability to visit the cheese section, it smells like goat ass. So I try one little cheese sample, its ok, but kind of make me want to hurl. Then, I try some nuts that turn out to be really oily almonds, also kind of make me want to hurl. Finally I see some other cheese. I smell it, and it smells normal. I taste it, it tastes normal. Then…it hits me…this particular cheese tastes like goat. I have goats, and this cheese tastes how they smell…not pretty. So I choke down the goat stink cheese, and resolve to not try any other cheese or oily nuts. I eventually come upon some chocolate cake, but decide not to mix chocolate cake and goat ass…my first good decision of the trip. Then we go to buy JJ beer…mom can’t remember what he likes. I suggest something called “Purple Haze”; apparently JJ wouldn’t like raspberry beer. We decide that I can never buy alcohol because I would pick whatever had the prettiest bottle. I beg mom for “cheapy cheap cheap olives”, which I didn’t get, but got to say “cheapy cheap cheap” like 20 times, so it was all good. We finally make it out of the store and I walk by a kid with one of those mini carts, you know the ones with the little sign that says “Customer in Training”. My 9 weeks of Econ kick in. “You know what I think is disgusting?” I ask Mom. “What?” she says as we pass the flowers. “ Well how sick our society is and how they market to these little kids. You know they actually hire child physiatrists to decide how to market things to kids?” “Don’t you think the red ones are pretty?” mom replies. I giggle…this is the way of things, I ramble on long enough, that I say something valid and mom looks at flowers. I get home and check the phone; no one has called for me. I settle in my room to listen to music and talk online, not too upset that I’m spending Saturday night at home.


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Come and check it out if you get time.

2:14 PM  

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