Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Nov 8

The weekend was good...I got to spend a lot of time with Joey. I didn't get to hang out with Mi like I had planned, which sucked, but other than that it was good. I already have plans for most of the weekend. Thursday I have belly dancing class with mom, Friday I am spending the afternoon with Alison, the night at Melissa's, Saturday with Joey, Saturday evenening at a concert at the Hard Rock with Joey and Kim, and then Saturday night at Kim's. Of course, Sunday is to be spent with the fam and doing my homework. It's nice to have stuff to do with people other than Melvin...granted, I love the man to death, but it is nice. In other news, apparntly i'm in trouble with Mi. I was supposed to call her Monday night, but forgot...well, she assumed that I just didn't care. She feels like I use her for entertainment and rides, and don't care about her as a friend. She yelled at me for a good ten minutes and then hung up. Normally, that is before she left, i would have called her right back and tried to patch things up, but not now. I am in no mood to deal with any sort of drama. I love Mi, but with her comes drama. Maybe it would be good for the two of us to spend some time apart. I just can't let myself worry so much about everyone else I guess. Now, for some good news. I talked to Joey last night. There has been some discussion about "what we are". J0ey keeps asking things like "so what are we?" and then says he doesn't really care, and it's up to me. Well, for some reason, my answer of "we're too dorks who get along pretty well." didn't satisfy him. So, I had to give him my reason for not trying to "quantify love"...and so on and so forth. Eventually I simply told him taht it was up to him top make a decision. I also informed him that being my boyfriend involved a lot more than just me...he'd have to come to family things, meet and talk to my parents, and just kinda be around in general...of course it would go both ways, but i still felt the need to warn the boy. Despite my best efforts, I can't seem to scare him away...he just keeps saying that there is "something special" about me. He's really great. So, last night, right before I got off the phone with him, he says "I have a surprise for you."..."What is it?"..."I want you to be my girlfriend."..."Oh? Why?"..."Because you're beautiful, smart, funny, and sweet."..."Oh, ok."..."So??"..."So what?"..."Yes or no?"..."Yes baby."..."Ok, just checkin." So, now I'm someone's girlfriend...some poor guy likes me enough to want me all to himself...so, we'll see how this goes. Ah, well off to class...damn this grin on my face...I can't act like I don't care.


Blogger Thoughts From Serenity said...

You sound happy...ain't love grand?
Just remember to keep the BIG GUY in the picture too! He loves you most of all! And HE created love!!
Enjoy it!
ps. I love you too! Gram

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i like the sounds of this joey guy, you should IM me when you are on with and picture and stuff. GOOD LUCK with him ;)

12:50 AM  

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