Friday, November 04, 2005

Happy Friday!!!

Today is Friday...the begining of the weekend...and the end of a long week. The week was great, don't get me wrong, but it just seemed long. School is all kinds of stressful...and graduation is just around the corner. I'm finally begining to see that adulthood isn't as far away as I had once hoped...that it is right here...outside the door...all i have to do is open it up and...POW!!!! I'm an adult. To some extent I already am, but i have a lot of growing up to do...not that I'm immature, but some lessons only come from living. I'm amazed at how fast time goes by these days. It seems that just yesterday I was starting high school...a nervous kid, surrounded by other nervous kids. Now, I'm finishing scghool...and have college to look forward to. It;s amazing how much I have changed in just the last year. So many of my preconceptions about people and life have been shattered...and so many plans have been ruined, but all for the good. Every day I am surprised by life. All those plans i had made as a child...they have long since disappeared, but the plan God has set fourth for me is amazing. A year ago, I was angry and sad...I had no idea that my life could be good again, that I could be happy. Now my family is whole...we have a dad who loves us, a mom who has always been there for us, both boys are doing good, and I'm happy. Yeah, there are bumps along the day, and I'm trying to stretch my boundaries, but in general, things are good. I finally met a guy who seems like he's a genuinly nice guy. I've talked to Joey every night since I met him...for hours. i know this is just the begining phase, and these feelings can't last, but as of now, we both have the insaciable desire to get to know on another. We talk for hours and still hate to hang up the phone. I get to see him tonight, and I'm not nervous...not like when you're infatuated with someone and scared to see them...i'm excited, and every minute I get closer to him. I guess this is one of my major flaws in life. I care too much about too many people, and fall in love WAY too fast. It has gotten me hurt in the past, but i can't change it.'s only 4:00...I still have 3 hours before I even leave....damn clock. Theres a country song...I dont remember the name, but it talks about how this ghuy found a girl who he wasn't looking for. He talks about how he got lost in her deep green eyes, and how she wasn't at all what he was looking for, but that she was more. It's funny, because Joey really isn't what I've been "looking" for. He's not some big studly football player...he's just a regualr guy...and I like that. Mom has always told me never to settle...adn I asked her the other day..."Is it settling if he has no money, no car, no job, and no plans for college, but i like him, he treats me well, and he has a passion?" Mom just smiled and said "No baby." Now, I know that this isn't probably the man I will marry, and that things will probably fall apart in a matter of months, but what if I'm wrong? What if I went to that party and met the man of my I know he's not perfect, but I'm not either. IDK...I guess I have too much time to think...but, I'm happy, so I guess for now that's all that matters. Have a good weekend everyone...XOXOXO "If you wanna hear God laugh, tell him your plans." - Van Zant


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