Sunday, October 16, 2005

Poor Girl

Well, first off...I owe my friend an appology. It was never my intention to hurt anyone, merely to inform those involved in the situation of the actions of a certain party. I had posted in my super-duper long post a conversation between Gus and myself. In doing so, I didn't consider his feelings, or the fact that things said were not common knowledge in the group. I realized that this conversation was a breech of our confidence as friends. I posted to vent, not to inflict any more pain, or cause any more friction. I am sorry that I posted the conversation between Gis and myself, and feel the need to clarify that he is my friend, and no matter what he does or says, will always be important to me.

Now...Heidi on the other hand, I posted our conversations, and will continue to do so, as long as she feels the need to talk to me. I have not been to the guys house in two weeks. I have not talked to Gus since calling him a week ago to ask him to talk to Heidi and have her leave me alone. I have started a conversation with Heidi one time, and that was right after my initial conversation with Gus. Since then, she has continued to talk to me, insult me, and attempt to provoke me. Today she felt the need to talk to me, yet again. She informed me that my post had been hurtful to Gus...this is of course after I removed the conversation between he and I. Now, she is at the point of threatening me. She is no longer hurting me or upsetting me, so she is more and more frustrated. I have continued to attempt to reason with her, but to no avail. I won't talk to her any more, but will continue to post her messages, if she feels the need to continue sneding them.

Heidi : Why would you post all of your conversations on a blog for everyone to read? Even i am not that mean...i dont care what you do to me but that was wrong to try and hurt Gus
Jerra : didnt try to hurt gus
Jerra : wanted to vent, he doesnt even read it
Heidi : Melvin reads it and if i am not mistaken, Gus had said some things to you that he wouldve rather kept private
Heidi : there are other ways to vent than to post what ia making you mad
Heidi : is*
Jerra : well, i'm sorry if i hurt gus, but tht wasnt the point, and i'm sorry if i upset you, but i still have yet to do anything to you to merit yuor treatment of me
Jerra : so...say what you want, but i'm over the whole thing, Gus is my friend, but teh way he handled this stuff really hurt me...I love him liek a brother, and it hurts to be so easily discarded
Heidi : well jerra i mean you kind of brought it upon yourself...and i think that you were trying to hurt him or get back at him for treating you like that. FYI when someone tells you something about someone else and you KNOW it is for your ears only then dont post it where everyone can read it. If i loved someone in the way you love him...hell if i loved anyone in any manner i wouldnt do that friend or not. Gus is just looking out for what makes him happy and that is me so by you being there i am not as happy as i could be bec. u are a skank
Heidi : im sorry you are hurt but it is the way it has to be
Jerra : yea, its fine...I am going to appologize to Gus, and i know that will piss you off, but i never meant to get back at him by doing that, i was angry at the time, and have since taken off that part...I dont think things have to be this way, but for now i think we all need some time
Jerra : i would like if at some point we could at least talk in person ya know, i'm trying my best to not be mean, or dramatic, or behave poorly
Jerra : and I'm trying not to piss you off
Heidi : jerra you have already behaved poorly and been dramatic thats why all of this has ahve also already pissed me off and i hold a grudge. I dont want to talk to you in person or ever again for that matter. i suggest not talking to gus if u know what is good for you
Jerra : lol...a threat...HAHA
Jerra : great
Heidi : it isnt a threat...
Heidi : just a warning if you will
Jerra : you're the one who keeps talkin to me
Heidi : you are the one who keeps starting shit
Jerra : nope
Jerra : havent started nething...if you remember, you were the one who freaked and started shit rather than just talking to me
Jerra : I'm done with this shit, you're irrational, and I'm not doing it nemore
Heidi : i tried talking to you but then you decided to keep on and keep on and im sorry the little bit of redneck in me wont let it slip
Heidi : i get pissed when little ho's try to start shit
Jerra : I have appologized
Jerra : I have tried to explain
Jerra : it doesnt matter hon
Heidi : well i hate you so get over it
Jerra : been over it
Heidi : leave me AND gus alone
Jerra : so stop talkin to me
Heidi : consider yourself warned
Heidi : buh bye now
Jerra : warned
Jerra : HAHAHA
Heidi : im telling you bitch if u know what is good for you
Jerra : uv never seen me pissed, dont try it
Heidi : What is that supposed to mean exactly? dont try it? ha like im scared
Jerra : oh chill, you dont bother me enuff for me to do nething
Jerra : LOL
Heidi : you know what jerra i dare you..i dare you to try anything b/c i could kick your arent shit to me...or anyone else for that matter so why dont you take your own advice and just leave Gus and i alone...i HATE you

We definitly clarified that she hates me, thank goodness. I just don't understand why the poor girl can't leave it alone. I can't do anything else, and I dont plan to. i'm not going to tip-toe around some chick who can't even respect what I have done. It is very clear to me that she is looking for a confrontation, and she isn't worth the effort. There is nothing to be gained by talking to her any more. There is certainly nothing to be gained from fighting her, or whatever it is that she is suggesting. I am happy and have my own life to lead, and she is not worth worrying about. I am sorry for her more than anything. I kno wthat she has had a rough life. I know that her family life has been hard. I know that she has scars that run deep, and that things i did inadvertantly struck a nerve. I also know that Gus is a good man, and that she sees that and is doing all in her power to hld on to him. i respect where she is coming from, just not the means she has employed to reach the end. I hope that Heidi sees one day that not all men are like those that hurt her in her past, that she can trust without fear of being hurt, and that I want nothing more than to be a friend to her and Gus. I know she is a good person, and although she has been cruel to me, she is good to Gus. I am hoping that this will be the end of this crap, and that we can all move on, and I intend to.


Blogger Loner said...

The best way to deal with someone who is difficult is to try to see what is motivating them - and you are doing that. I am sorry for her too - but if whe keeps it up, she can expect to receive a restraining order via the sheriff - no excuse to keep contacting you when you have already given up time with you friends to increase her comfort level.
Remember that the best revenge is to live happily ever after...

11:07 AM  
Blogger J said...

I like that last line Loner suggested about living happily ever after.

Sometimes with situations like these its best to simply walk away entirely, which it seems like you're trying to do. That girl sounds like she's got some serious trust issues.

Best of luck to you!

11:28 AM  
Blogger Badpatty said...

Ditto to all of the above . . . but anything ever happens to you or she shows up here, I'm gonna land on her with both feet.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEIDI, you are a bitch, what are you 30, you called jerra a skank, haha who uses that word? any way, then you become a 2nd grader and say well i hate you so get over it. ohhh wow that hurt, and then another childish thing you said was ohhh i dare you, really? well i raise you a triple dog dare you, how's that? jerra is my best friend and umm i havent seen an ugly mug of you but i think jerra could take you. oh and i really like that sweet sarcasm at the end buh bye now (fyi my mom says that) jerra, wouldnt want to take you on bc she is one of the most caring people i know. she only wants to be your friend cant you see, she wont stab you in the back and steal Gus, she only wants to be a FRIEND. jerra isnt holding a grudge against you, unlike yourself, bc she is being the better person. grudges only make a person bitter. so yeah i was mean to you bc you are only making a mess of things and that could mess up things with Gus to. ive never met him jerra talks highly of him and that means something, but she isnt after him. so let go...

7:39 PM  
Blogger Loner said...

As usual - I just LOVE Laurel...

10:39 AM  
Blogger Bear said...

Me too...I love Laurel...

3:15 PM  

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