Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Weekend

I went to a party this weekend at Melissa's house. Melissa is a friend I met through Melvin. Mi is back in town now, so she came along with Little Sara. The party was really fun. Gus and Heidi showed up, but left after Melissa told Heidi that we were going to "have a good night" and Heidi said "maybe" they left. I met a reallt cool guy, who I came to find out is Melissa's baby brother. He's really cool and he likes me, so we'll see what happens there. His name is Joey and he's yay me for talking to a guy my age...HAHA. He actually asked for my number and called when he said he would...a definiant plus. Melissa came up to me at the party and told me that she really likes me and trust me, but that if I hurt her baby brother she'll kill me. i decided not to ask what constitutes "hurting" him....I mean if i accidentally step on his foot, is she going to come bursting from a closet and kill me?? An important thing to ponder. He's cool though, and very charming. I'm so happy Mi is home. She's been gone about six months now. It's wierd having her back too...I actually have someone to hang out with other than Melvin. I have also gotten to hang out with Lil' Sara more, because she and Mi have been hanging out. I got to see Sunshine on Saturday before the party, and he gave us a ride from my house to Mi's, and gave us some food he had gotten from a dumpster... a considerate gesture, given that he had to get in the dumpster to get those Honey Buns. I love Sunshine...he's a tree hugger, enviromentalist, vegitarian, and all around granola head. At some point we'll have to hang out for real...I mean other than him giving us a ride and near-rotten fruit. Yea, Sara left the party all my crap is in her car...well now it's at Mi's...drat!!! I have to figure some way to get it back...and pronto...all my makeup is in thos bags!!!! I have yet to decide if I will be trick-or-treating with neone...or if I will stay home rather than brave the cold to get candy that will make me fatter...hmmmm.....decisions....decisions. Well, I'll havef lots of time to decide, seeing as Mom will be here to pick me up at 4:30...even tho school is out at 3:30...hmm....I wonder if they would care if I curl up in the commons area on a table...Ok, well thts about all the random crap I can come up with right now...well all that is approriate....Laterz


Blogger Thoughts From Serenity said...

Happy Halloween! Glad you had a good time..nice to see you are still there! :) Even met an 18 yr.old guy! woohoo!! :)
Love ya,

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you had a good halloween, I really miss you. I like listening to your random stuff. I can see you wondering about the foot and hurting thing, and the bursting out of the closet visualization is hilarious. Well, you do know you could have never spelled well without me:) Love<3

2:14 AM  
Blogger Bear said...

Gram - yeah...finally a guy my own age - SCORE!!!

Laurel - Yeah, I had a great Halloween. I miss you too....and I still slip up in the spelling department, but thnks to you not as much as I used to. Have safe...and give your man a hug for me.

4:33 PM  

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