Monday, October 24, 2005

October 24, 2005

I am happy to report that th elast week or so has been blissfully uneventful. School is going well. Having two math classes pretty much sucks, but it's not too bad. Things with Heidi have finally settled down. I got to babysit Lil Melvin (Melvin's son) on Thursday, which was fun. I also got to see Kim. Cat bought a house, and will be renovating it for the next few months, so it will be ready in less than a year. This is good news because I can hang out there...since there is no crazy girlfriend. We have new goats at the house...Ringo (a baby who looks suspiciously like a small dragon) and Paul. They are adorable. My grandparents came last weekend, and although the visit was short, it was really good to see them. Same crap different day, but the mundane is much apprieciated right now.


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