Monday, November 14, 2005


Today is Monday...ugh...I'm not going to use any cliche' phrase that makes people want to smack me. I'm just sayin, it's Monday. The weekend was good. I went to Melissa's house this weekend and got to spend time with all my friends. I also got to see my wanted to say that. We had a really great weekend. Friday night we all hung out at Melissa's house...Joey, Melvin, Melissa, Ben, Alison, Amanda, Turbo, Bubba, Mandy, and some other random people were there. Mi called at some point and she and Lil Sara came to pick me up. We all went to Waffle House for awhile and then after about 30 minutes they took me back to the apartment. Saturday night I went to a concert at the Hard Rock with Mi, Kim, and Joey. It was 3 bands all in the same place. They were all pretty good, well except the last on that was called like American Devils...they were scary. In a couple weeks I'm going to another show that my friends are playing, so that will be fun. Joey, as usual, was adorable the whole weekend. He just kept telling me how beautiful I am and how great I's nice for a change. Before I got out of the car on Sunday, he told me that it was "another week of missing you" to look forward to. It was cute. I like him...I like him alot.


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