Deep Breath
For the first time in awhile, i have a chance to take a deep breathy and relay my life to you as it stands now. A lot has happened in the last month or so...which tends to happen as time passes...stuff that is. Cat is my boyfriend now...I have accepted the title and all that comes with it willingly. He's a great guy. We just's hard to believe that someone can make me so happy just by being themselves. We've had some struggles, don't get me wrong...merely getting together was a struggle in the begining. Now, two months in...he's chosen me. I won't sit here and gush, but he's a great guy and he makes me happy. I can see myself with him scares me a little, but simple human curiosity makes me wonder. I look forward to the future...whatever it may hold. SChool starts soon...aug 16th...then I'm off to college. I'm so excited. Work is the same as I can't convey all I want to...not in a writing mood...more in a living mood as of late. I've slowly moved away from writing about my life and more toward living it...and not annylyzing every minescule detail. I'm happy...healthy...and falling in...well falling for a great guy...what more is there to say. See you when the winds change....
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