Not sure what to call this
I wrote this awhile back and saved it in my draft folder, just figured I'd post it now - Well, there are times when I don't think about how things are going to effect other people. I try my best not to be self-centered, but it happens. I was recently hurt by someone I care about. I look up to him and respect him greatly. When I overheard a conversation between him and my Mom, I couldn't believe what I heard. He was telling her that he didn't think that she could trust or depend on me. That because I sometimes neglect my small chores at the house, that she couldn't trust me to do bigger things. Well, I'm not sure where he was the past 17 years, but I know that I've been here. I know that I've been there for my Mom 100% since I was old enough to help. I have helped with my brothers when there wasn't a man around. I have done my best not to do stupid stuff and to listen to my her so she didn't have to worry about me so much. I have helped her put the pieces back together after the other men left. I have watched my brothers when she just needed to get away, or see her friends. I gave up much of my childhood to grow up fast and be there for her. I am very proud that I have been there for my mom. Now, amazingly, after leaving all my friends and family, having someone want to kill me, and finding out my Grandpa is sick...I've been having a little trouble. I have been copping as best I can and trying not to cause trouble. I'm not sure what he was thinking when he said that, but if it matters at all, I have lost much of my respect for him. He lovesa my mom and she loves him, and he plans to be around awhile, so i am thankful for that. Well, I'm done ranting now