Friday, November 18, 2005

Parents Shouldn't have to bury their kids

There's Ringo...the goat in a sweater. Yesterday, Ringo got out of his pen again. he insists on romping about the yard with Matilda, well the only problem is that Matilda plays rough. When he got out of the pen he squeezed through a gap in teh chicken wire, adn scratched himself up pretty bad. At some point he tried to get back in the pen and scratched himself up worse. Matilda decided she needed to lick his cuts and make him better, the only problem with this being that it was about 32 degrees out and windy. When JJ got home, he found Matilda running across the yard with Ringo in gher mouth...carrying him like any mother dog would her pups. Thsi is the second time that Ringo has gotten out and then been licked by Matilda and caught a chill. The time before, we wrapped him in towels and a hot pad, and pout him under a heat lamp, and he eventually perked up again. This time was a lot worse. He was completely lathargic, couldn't stand, or even lift his head. He was cold to the touch and his breathing was shallow. After several hours of JJ caring for him...never putting him down, and holding him close to share his body heat, Ringo still hadn't improved. When Mom and I got home from school (me from school, her from work) Ringo was in bad shape. Having already paid out the bum for the treatment of : Bear when she got in a dog fight, theh other two goats who were poisoned by a vet accidentally, and Sheba who was attacked by a dog...we couldn't afford to take him to the vet if he wasn't really sick. Mom and I took over, giving JJ a much needed brake, he looked tired and much older than usual. We took him in the bathroom where we have a heater and it heats up fast. We kept him wrapped in towels and the heating bag. Mom and I had belly dancing class and JJ had to take Josh to a band concert. They left first, and Mom and I left, praying Ringo would be alive when we got home. Belly dancing was fun, and normally I'd go in to detail, but this is neither the time nor the place. We got home to find JJ with the goat. He had improved some and was holding his head up on his own. I went out that night and got back around 12, Ringo was still ok. He was camped out in Mom and JJ's room with a heat lamp and was finally nice and warm. I went to bed and thanked God that Ringo was ok. I knew I couldn't take another kid dying. I woke up this morning around 12...well this afternoon. It's my day off, so I sleep late. JJ's Jeep is in the drive way, so i know he's here. I knocked on his door, but to no response. As I walked by the selarium, I saw the basket Ringo had been in. I was over-joyed...he had gotten better and was out with the other gotas. Thank God. Then, I noticed that the towels in teh basket weren't flat. I walked over and laid my hand on the lump there. It was solid. I pulled the towel away to find a peaceful little baby goat. He was curled up in his sleeping position, eyes closed, and cold. Ringo had died. The fact that he was still in the basket and in the house tells me that JJ too couldn't take the death of another baby. I assume he's in there sleeping, trying to chase away reality. Parents shouldn't have to bury their kids, and Ringo was most definitly one of their of their babies. So, I slipped on some shoes, walked out into the cold afternoon, and started digging. How deep do you dig the hole for someone you love? Ringo was my favorite of all the goats. Like Lil' Bit, I got attatched to him. When I got the shovel from the cellar, it hit me, I leaned against the wall for a moment and just let myself cry. Crying doesn't do any good, so I stopped. I dug the whole as deep as I could, went inside, wrapped Ringo in a towel and some trash bags, and went out and burried him. I've done this before, burried an animal that I loved. Numerous ducks, a few kittens, and now Ringo. At some point, you become numb to it all, I cried, but not for myself...not because I was sad, but because of how hard this will be on Mom and JJ...most of all JJ. He takes these things very hard, and Ringo was his baby...he treated Ringo like a baby...and even taught him a few tricks. I don't want to have to see him hurt again, I would just like to say for the record....God, this sucks, I don't know why we can't just have things go right for once....You know this is hard on them, and there is no point...yeah, this sucks, adn I'm angry at you for doiung this to them, again.


Blogger Loner said...

How deep do you dig a hole to bury someone you love...God that is poetic - and yet - made me cry again. At 2am I heard him, softly trying to move in the bathroom. I held him for over an hour, he looked up at me and tears flowed from his eyes in apology for what he knew we'd have to do today.

I finally woke Justin up at about 3:15, we called the vet, but while we were still talking to him Ringo stopped breathing. I tried rescue breathing, like I did for Jake when he was a baby - but it just wasn't enough. I held him there, on the bathroom floor for what seemed like hours and went back into bed when I finally heard Justin stop sobbing. I haven't been back to sleep, I just laid there talking to God about why He can make the Grand Canyon but He didn't heal my baby.

I just couldn't bury him this morning - and didn't post about it - and asked Justin not to as well - because he was just too precious and it was too painful to share. There are days where I feel I could completely identify with Christ on the Cross - My God why have You abandoned me....

4:28 PM  
Blogger Bear said...

Momma, I love you.

4:44 PM  
Blogger Badpatty said...

Thanks for taking care of him, Bear. I didn't know where your mama had put him once she took him from the room in the wee hours of this morning. I never thought to look in the basket - never even really SAW the basket. I'm glad that I've been there to help you through some rough times, and I'm grateful that you and your mama were there to help me through this.

6:28 PM  
Blogger J said...

Oh my gosh you guys... I'm here crying at my desk. I'm so sorry you lost another baby goat. Sigh. I'm at a loss for words for y'all-

Here's to hoping for brighter days ahead. XO

6:32 PM  
Blogger Bear said...

JJ - I love you too...I just didn't think it was right for that to fall to you.

Betty - Things will get better, thet always's just that this was Ringo...and thts not cool.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Thoughts From Serenity said...

Nothing very comforting to say, except I am so sad you all had to go through this again. Sorry. Little animals are so very precious that there are no words to explain how you feel when you lose them. I am so sad for you all. When your cat, Smokey, died in my arms I just couldn't put him down for a long long time. They bring such pleasure and it is so sad to lose them. I have felt that pain and understand your pain. So sorry.

10:57 PM  
Blogger nunya said...

Oh boy...I held it together reading Justin's post, but this one did me in. I don't know what touched me more, your post or burying Ringo so Justing and your mom wouldn't have to.

1:16 AM  

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