Many a thing to relay
So a lot has happened in that last week. Not anything life changing, but a lot none the less. First, my Grandpa was told he's officially in remission now...which is the best news I've ever gotten in my life. They found a spot in his lung during one of his cat scans though that they were worried about. The doctor ordered a Lung biopsy...for those of you who aren'y medical people...this means they take out pieces of tissue and examine them to see if they are cancerouse. We have all been really worried about the results of this test which we get Monday. My Grandpa has had 5 chemo treatments. A person can only have a total of 8 in their lifetime because of the enourmouse strain it places on the heart...after 8 a person is garunteed to have a heart attack. He lost all his hair and about 40 lbs during chemo, not to mention he just looks crappy. The chemo was really hard on him and he just wasn't himself. So if this spot in his lung is's really bad. He may have to do more chemo, or even radiation. He's not sure how much more he can take. i'm scared for him...and prayin it's not serious. I finally heard from my friend Mi who went to florida. She's got a job at a steak and shake and is liviung at a sheltar. She really needs a mother and I'm just not it. I'm beyond the point of trying to help her cuz she just doesn't listen. All i can do is be there for her when she needs me. Jonathan still hasn't called, I know surprising right. I'm done waiting around for him, if it's gonna happen with us, it's gonna be because he wants it to. i'm tired of trying to force it. I still want to be his friend, but for now that's about all I can handle. So, I guess I'm officially broken up with my un-boyfriend. I do miss him like crazy tho - it sux.