Thursday, February 09, 2006

Yay for Thursday

Well, it's Thursday, for me, the end of another week. I only have about 4 weeks of school left now...Thank God! Trig is going better than expected and i have an A rather than an F...nice change if I do say so myself. Grandma and Grandpa are coming into town tomarrow. They are only staying for a day or so, but I'm really looking forward to their visit. Grandpa has been doing chemo again, and I'm a but anxious to see what effect this round has had on him. My uncle Dave is in trouble again, over some false charge. The woman he has been with for a few years now accused him of domestic violence, so now he has a court date in about two weeks. Please say a prayer for my him. He's always been just a little lost, but he's a really good guy. Speaking of good guys, Joey has been particularly dedicated as of late. He's been calling every day, sometimes more than once. Today he actually came to see me. He read my blog from awhile ago and was less than pleased with some of the things that i had to say, but we talked it over. I explained that my blog is for venting...and more than once I have regreted what I have said while doing so. I'm optamistic about the future with him, and have given up on trying to predict it. Well...I'm off to clean the house for the grandparents. Have a good weekend and be safe - Jerra


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