Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Tuesday!!!

Hello ya'll...I know it's been a few days, but I've been busy. School is going really good. I'm all sorts of average in the class is actually a A!!! I got a 95% on the quiz I took Thursday that I was positive I bombed...SWEET!! Then, today we took our chapter test and I'm pretty sure that went really well too. So, in short I just have to reitterate the fact that it was the teacher and not just me being incompetant.

In other news, Melissa (Joey's sister) and her fiance Ben broke up some time last week. This is really sad and came as quite a surprise considering they always looked so happy together. I guess it just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover.

Joey has graduated from bad boyfriend to good boyfriend again. This past weekend he asked me if we could be exclusive again. Nothing has really changed, as far as his situation that is, but I was glad that he did it. Things are good now...we're back to the way we were before all the drama started. i think he's happy too.

My grandparents may be coming to visit this weekend, which is all sorts of cool. That means that they will get to meet Joey. I'm really looking forward to seeing them.

Hmmm...Oh...Ian is coming to see us some time in...umm...may I think. So...we'll actually meet Ian the Aussie.

well, that's about all for reall pieces of wisdom for the time being.



Blogger SJ said...

Close - in June. So long as the invite is still there then, of course :) I have a way of suddenly irritating people haha...

6:05 PM  
Blogger Bear said...

Of course the invitation still stands silly...haha...we're pretty lax people, it takes a lot to offend us...or irritate us...haha...

8:26 PM  

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