Monday, February 20, 2006

Berry Long Weekend

I went over to my friends' apartment Thursday night and just hung out. We had a really good time just sitting around talking, which was nice for a change. Friday evening, they gave Joey and I a ride to my house. Joey would be spending the night here and going with us to visit the Berry College campus in the morning. We set him up a bed in the front room with Bob, Pirate Bob, and Not Bob (our cats). I watched a couple movies with of which was Saw II, which I must say was even better than the first, and if you enjoy those horror/thriller'll love it. I went to bed late that night. In the morning I took a shower and dressed cute, because not only was I going to vi8sit a college, but then that night we were going out to dinner with a bunch of our friends to celebrate our friend Greg's birthday. Joey and I jumped in the back seat of the van...neither of us was too happy about being awake at 7 in the morning. Jake sat in the middle row and Mom and JJ sat up front. Josh had gone to a friend's house for the weekend, mainly to escape having to visit a college. Jacob talked non-stop for a good 20 minutes, finally Mom turned around and asked him to be quiet. Joey and I both fell asleep in the back seat. The drive took about an hour and a half, maybe more. We woke up at a gas station about 10 minutes from campus. We all got bottled drinks to take with. I speedily put on my makeup. The campus was amazing. The main building, the Ford building I believe, looked like a castle. It was gorgous. The walls were made of different shades of beige ston and there were stained glass windows and big oak doors. We all agreed that it looks a great deal like Hogwarts. We were running a bit late and stood in the back for the first few speeches. Several old people droned on about how amazing the school was...etc. Well, as they talked I brushed the little bits of wall that had crumbled off from my jacket. Later the parents went to one seminar and the students went to another. The one we had to go to was a good 10 minute walk from where we were. It was rainy and about 40 degrees...oh and me being the brilliant blonde that i am, I wore flip flops. Needless to say, after the 10 minute walk, I couldn't feel my toes. Right as we reached the building, a shuttle bus passed us, full of students...great. So Joey and I meander in and get two seats up in the second row. I was pretty excited because I would get to talk to actual students and see what they thought of the school. Wel, in's a dry campus and they go hiking for fun. I guess we'll see, but it's not really my first choice. they do have a first-rate vet school though. It also costs 25, 000 a year to go there as opposed to 14, 000 to go to UGA. We left after lunch, if you could call it lunch. We had dry chicken alfredo, salad, rolls, and brownies. The brownies were really good. We stopped at an Arby's to get lunch, but they didn't have jalepeno popper, which happen to be the whole reason I go there...butt heads. Then we went to see one of Mom and JJ's friend's who lives near the campus. Then, we went to a farm store, and then another farm store, and finally we made it home. Finally we headed home. We got home around like 5 or so. Later Mom drove Joey and I over to our friend Ali's house. I spent the rest of the weekend there and finally made it home Monday morning. I had a really fun long weekend, but geez...I'm freakin tired.


Blogger Loner said...

wow - we only hit two farms stores - guess I was out of my regular form...

4:56 PM  
Blogger Bear said...

I know right...there were at leat five between here and there...HAHA...I gotta say though, Joey loved it...he got to look at hunting stuff and knives...what a boy.

5:28 PM  

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