Friday, February 03, 2006

Keep out or shut up

Recently someone has been reading my blog as well as that of my Mom and my Stepdad, this someone is unwelcome. He was never invited. This man happens to be unwelcome because he left us. It is not my place to criticize, or comment, unless you involve me. He has, he fealt the need to criticize mom and her parenting. Well, this is what he asked for.

First off, some day I will be telling your son about what kind of man you really are. I may have been young, but I remember the way you treated my mom and the way you treated my brother and I. I remember when mom had to work and you would lock us in our room rather than "deal"with us. I'm sure that locking a 12 year old girl and her 8 year old brother in thier room for hours at a time is a great way to raise children. I bet that it's a great idea to whip your children with a belt for the slightest misbehavior, and it won't teach them a lesson unless there are marks. I'm sure that coming home drunk, high, and loud is the best way to lead your children by example. I know that you are most definitly an expert in parenting. I know you NEVER lied to anyone. i'm sure you owned that weren't just a bartender there. I'm sure you NEVER slept with a woman other than your wife. Frankly, you are trash. You have always been trash. You will always be trash. How dare you even think for a second that you have the right to criticize my mom or least they stuck around. She wanted something better for us than a man like you. Keep in mind that you left her 9 months pregnant. She tried to make things work, but you were never a man. When there was trouble...say a were nowhere to be had to take care of number one...yourself. You are a coward and a waste of life. We have never talked badly about you in front of your son, and I know that Mom would never, but when he is older I will make suer that he knows the truth.

You best be careful. She may be considerate and appologize, but I will not. I will not allow you to talk to her or my brother with anything but respect. The next time you decide that you are going to get up on a high horse and preech...make sure that you aren't a lard-assed hypocrite.

***Now, to everyone else...I am sorry...this is a rant, and I know that it seems harsh, but you don't mess with my family. I've had just about enough of that in the last year.******


Blogger Ariel said...

Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad you love and appreciate your parents. My dad is like that to this day. Miserable and mean and horrid.
Its good that you stick up for your mom. It means alot.

4:08 AM  
Blogger Bear said...'s my Momma, sometimes she's too nice and gets walked all over...she is married to another man now who is good to her, he has no right to talk to her the way that he has been.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Badpatty said...

I look forward to that day, when a fully-grown and muscled Jake finds out how Arseface treated his momma. Hell, I'd buy tickets.

3:46 PM  

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