Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It's Wednesday...thank goodness. I only have one day of school left this week. I've been feeling pretty crappy pretty much since late Saturday night, probably something I caught at the apartment, well not porbably. I know who I got it from. My dear bf Joey just happened to be sick last weekend, and now I do the math. Oh well, aint love grand. School is almost over, and I will FINALLY graduate in December, well as long as I pass trig. I brought my grade up from a 20 to a tht's an improvement...granted, how it got to be as low as 20 I don't know. Erik, the cute guy in my sports med class, finally asked me out...his timing pretty much sux seeing as I'm with Joey now, but we decided to go play pool as friends. Joey isn't thrilled at the idea, and says that from a guy's perspective, it's a date. I guess he's ok with it though becuase I told him about it. His car is still in the shop, and he should be checking on it today. This Friday I'm going to some Nutcracker play thingy...which I may be too *sick* to attend. We'll see...Well, I have trig and geometry to tend to...lots of love - Jerra


Blogger J said...

You graduate in December? That's cool! Par-tay at your Momma's house! :)

6:33 PM  
Blogger Bear said...

Sounds good to me!

7:03 PM  

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