Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Well, with a new relationship comes less time. My blog, unfortunatly, has suffered from my happy relationship. First off, I am well. School and graduation didn't turn out well. I didn't pass trig and will be going back January 4th for nine more weeks of school. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'll live. I've been spending a lot of time with Joey and Melissa (his sister and my friend). Things with Joey are good, well in general. The whole reason that I have time to update my blod is that he decided to go hunting for the week. Not a big deal, except that we had made plans to hang out this week. Grandpa is sick agaain, worse than before. the cancer is back with a vengence and his body is weak and he's in pain. We're going to see him Christmas day and will stay a few days. he has surgery friday to insert a tube to drain his kidneys, which are down to 40 percent function and then another surgery to take a biopsy of his tumors. So, things are ok, but not good. Say a prayer for my grandpa and my gram...Thanks, I'm off to fall into bed...Jerra


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