Thursday, December 01, 2005

Two things of note. I have recently started talking to my Dad's side if the family...long story. I have a brother, well a half brother, but Josh and Jake are both half brothers and they're my brothers...neways. I got pictures of my brother, Jonathan...who I havent seen, well ever really. So...this is Jonathan. The picture isn't tht great, but it's all I have.'s amazing how much Josh looks like him...speaking of old earwax boy...

We were in the computer room today. I was talking to him about how his day had been, so on and so fourth. I was playing with his hair...its all long and curly and fun to play with. He wouldn't take his hand off his forhead. Finally I manage a glimpse at what he's hiding. His widow's peak has been completely shaved off. I start laffing and he tells me that it was a friend...whatever. Then i ask if thts why he hasn't gotten his hair cut. He says yes, and I leave to room laffing. Poor kid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow how did you find your dad's half. anyways is it cool to talk to them? i mean is it weird? haha so my roommate just told me she is leaving to get an apt. she needs space she says and she says she doesnt like chad around so much, i didnt know it was possible to not like chad in a friendly way. she was like i dont like it if you go to class and he is sleeping or when WE are sleeping and she has to take a shower AHHH, i just know im gonna get a weirdo roommate cause i mean they wouldnt switch if they werent weird, right? AHHHHHh

10:05 PM  

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